Monogram seminars and classes are now scheduled for April and July, 2017 and featured in Veranda Magazine. New for this year are longer form instruction. These include a collaboration with Bowne & Co. Stationers which is part of South Street Seaport Museum, New York City, and a week long book arts entrepreneurship intensive at Wells College in Aurora, New York.

04/01/17 Monograms: Your Very Own Personal Monogram
10:00am – 12:00pm CDT
Gallier Historic House, New Orleans
04/08/17 to 04/09/17 Two-Day/6 Hour Monogram and Print Intensive
Bowne Printers Workshop
Southstreet Seaport Museum, New York City
04/22/17 Monograms: Your Very Own Personal Monogram
10:00am – 12:00pm CDT
Gallier Historic House
04/22/17 How to Write a Letter
1:00 – 3:00pm CDT
Gallier Historic House
07/16/17 through 07/22/17 Wells Book Arts Summer Institute
Book Arts Entrepreneurship
Week-long resident course
Wells College, Aurora, New York