11/3/16 Sugar Bakeshop, Charleston

How to Write a Letter
Thurs., Nov. 3, 6-8:00pm
Sugar Bakeshop
59-1/2 Cannon Street
Charleston, South Carolina
Register here

Hands-on Workshop…It’s not calligraphy or English composition. It is learning two distinct and compatible skills that may be new to attendees: 1) 5-point punch list for writing successful personal correspondence. 2) Enabling people to become comfortable with their own handwriting for the purpose of writing personal correspondence. This method of hand letter writing is unique to the presenter and not at all part of calligraphic canon.

Students are encouraged to bring their own, favorite writing instruments, paper, postcards, and stationery. Methods, challenges, content and writing issues will be discussed and, within the confines of a two-hour period, addressed. Look at all our classes offered this fall here.

More reading:
Utilizing historic examples as models, this class enables modern communicators the skill and craft of composing effective letters and notes written longhand on cards and letter papers properly positioned and folded within envelopes addressed to go through the mail.

Some of the insightful and spirited examples powerful correspondence found in American history are:

  • Jackie Robinson’s 1958 letter to President Eisenhower expressing anxiety about racial inequality in the United States.
  • Eleanor Roosevelt’s 1939 letter of resignation from Daughters of the American Revolution for disallowing Marion Anderson’s performance at Constitution Hall.
  • 1814 letter from James Monroe, then United States Secretary of War, to Major General [Winfield] Scott exhorting him to gather volunteers—without training or support—and advance against British forces gathering inChesapeake Bay during the War of 1812. Scott went on to a brilliant military career and Monroe our 5th President.
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